From June 2015 GMC Consulting LLC provided IRD Engineering S.r.l with sub-consultancy services for Construction Supervision for the (M3) Alat-Astara Motorway, Masalli to Jalilabad Intersection (Ch. 142+890 to 110+700) till the end of the Project (December 2017).
Project description:
The Project comprised sections 3B & 3C of the Alat-Astara Motorway (M3), commences at the Jalilabad Interchange (Km 110+700 – the end of Section 3A) and runs in a generally southerly direction ending just South East of Masalli City (Km 142+800). The Highwaycomprises a 4 lane Motorway (design speed 120 km/hr.).
According to the Contract’s Technical Requirements there were 14 No. bridges and 2 No. tunnels, 37 No. mainline pipe culverts, 8 No. interchange pipe culverts and 9 No. box culverts (animal crossings).
Under the Contract No. 02/2013/ICB/CW/AZE the Contract Price was 142,820,202.47 AZN plus VAT of 25,707,636.44 AZN).
The Project Commencement date was 05 March 2014 and completion was achieved in December of 2017. The approved final Contract Price was 184,518,459.88 AZN (108,540,270.52 USD).