
Pre-Feasibility Study to Rehabilitate the M3 Alat-Astara-State Border of Iran Highway between Yenikend and Bilasuvar

On the 07th of April 2020as a result of progressive and successful collaboration GMC Consulting LLC signed the next agreement with IRD Engineering S.r.l for Pre-Feasibility Study to Rehabilitate the M3 Alat-Astara-State Border of Iran Highway between Yenikend and Bilasuvar.

Project description:

The Government of Azerbaijan has received a loan/credit from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and International Development Association (IDA) in connection with the Third Azerbaijan Highway Project. The Project was co-financed by the Government. Part of the Project involves upgrading the M3 corridor and a new motorway has already been constructed between Alat and the State Border with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The State Agency of Azerbaijan Automobile Roads was the Executing Agency (EA)/Implementing Agency (IA) for this project.

The total length of this road section is 70 km. The existing road largely complies with the dimensional requirements for a Category II road, although not entirely. The pavement is generally in poor condition with multiple defects, and five river/canal bridges along the route are also in need of repair.

The Project commenced in April 2020 and completed in February 2021.