On the 17th of October 2018as a result of progressive and successful collaboration GMC Consulting LLC signed a next agreement with IRD Engineering S.r.l for Construction Supervision of Civil Works Contracts for Upgrading of Km 0+000 to Km 46+000 of M-5, Yevlakh-Zagatala-Georgian Border Road and Rehabilitation of Regional Road R-57, 12 Km (Km 46+000 of M-5 to Sheki town) and Reconstruction of Ujar-Zardab-Agjabadi Section of R32 (70.50 Km).
Project description:
The Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan (GoA) receipted of a loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB – the Bank) for upgrading of Km 0+000 to Km 46+000 of M-5, Yevlakh-Zagatala-Georgian Border Road and rehabilitation of regional road R-57, and Reconstruction of Ujar – Zardab – Agjabadi Section of R32 (70.50 Km).
Part of the funding under the Tranche 1 (Loan 2921) has been used for the “Reconstruction of R32, Ujar-Zardab-Agjabadi Section, 70.50 Km, consisting of two lots namely; Lot 1: Ujar to Zardab Section, km 0.00 – km 37.00 and Lot 2: Zardab to Agjabadi Section, km 37.00 – km 70.50 (R32) to a two-lane road with double bituminous surface treated shoulders.
Part of funding under the Tranche 2 (Loan 3144-AZE) has been used for Upgrading of Km 0+000 to Km 46+000 of M-5, Yevlakh – Zagatala – Georgian Border road and Rehabilitation of Regional Road R-57 (starting at Km 46+000 of M5 to Sheki town), 12 Km, consisting of two lots namely; Lot 1: Km 0+000 to Km 33+000 of M5, Yevlakh-Zagatala-Georgian border road, Lot 2: Km 33+000 to Km 46+000 of M5, Yevlakh-Zagatala-Georgian border road and Rehabilitation of R-57 (starting at Km 46+000 of M5 to Sheki town), 12 Km.
For construction contract execution, the project has been divided into 4 (four) Civil Works Contracts.
The Project Commencement date varies for each lot.
The Project Commencement date for Lot 1 of M5 Project was established the 01st of December 2018 and completed in November 2020.
The Project Commencement date for Lot 2 of M5+R57 Project was established the 01st of March 2019 and completed in November 2020.
The Project Commencement date for Lot 1 of R32 (Ujar-Zardab-Agjabadi) Project and the 01st of December 2018 and completed in December 2020.
The Project Commencement date for Lot 2 of R32 (Ujar-Zardab-Agjabadi) Project and the 01st of December 2018 and completed in February 2021.
The prices of the Civil Works Contract were as follows:
For Civil Works Contracts of M5+R57 Project:
- Lot 1 was 96,852,712.09 AZN (56,972,183.58 USD) and;
- Lot 2 was 88,510,957.22 AZN (52,065,268.95 USD);
For Civil Works Contracts of R32 (Ujar-Zardab-Agjabadi):
- Lot 1 was 95,998,187.17 AZN (56,469,521.86 USD) and;
- Lot 2 was 82,261,216.87 AZN (48,388,951.10 USD);