On the 17th of October 2018as a result of progressive and successful collaboration GMC Consulting LLC signed another agreement with IRD Engineering S.r.l for Construction Supervision of Civil Works Contracts for Upgrading to Four Lanes of Ganja – Gazakh – Georgian Border Road (M2), (Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 3).
Project description:
The Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan (GoA) receipted of a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for upgrading to four lanes of M2 Motorway from Ganja to Georgian border road as continuity of one of the main and vital motorways in the country.
The project is upgrading of the existing 2-lane (Category II) Ganja-Gazakh-Georgian Border Road (M2) road to four-lane Category IB road. The proposed upgrade to four lanes includes construction of new 2-lane carriageway by parallel widening adjacent to the existing road and construction of new 4-lane road in new alignments for bypassing villages and towns. For construction contract execution, the Project has been divided into 3 (three) lots.
- Lot 1 – from Km 0+000 (end of existing Ganja Bypass) to Km 39+800 (Zayam);
- Lot 2 – from Km 39+800 (Zayam) to Km 82+200 (Qirili);
- Lot 3 – from Km 82+200 (Qirili) to Km 130+150 (Near Georgian Border).
The “State Agency of Azerbaijan Automobile Roads” (formerly known as Azeravtoyol OJSC – AAY) is the Executing Agency (EA)/ Implementing Agency (IA) for this project.
The consulting services mainly involve review and approval of detailed design and construction drawings, certification of all the works under the civil works contract for quality and quantity, civil works contract administration, and benefit monitoring and evaluation.
The Project Commencement date varies for each lot. The Project Commencement dates were established the 01st of March 2019 for Lot 1, the 22nd of April 2019 for Lot 2 and the 01st of February 2019 for Lot 3. Construction of all contracts (lots) continues up to now (November 2021) independently.
The prices of the Civil Works Contract for Lot 1 is 235,015,555.02 AZN (138,244,444.13 USD), for Lot 2 is 222,762,078.89 AZN (131,036,516.99 USD) and for Lot 3 is 193,261,235.83 AZN (113,683,079.90 USD).